Agile Blog Change Management Konferenz Veranstaltung

New Work Sweden (Oct 9 & 10)

Hello agile friend,

I am proud to tell you about the upcoming event “New Work Sweden”!

We will have a two days Open Space on October 9th & 10th in Växjö this year. Our topic will be self-organization!
Open Space means that all participants bring their questions and impulses, everyone can propose sessions to fill the agenda in the morning. Then every participant trains self-organization by being part of the sessions he/she is most interested in.
If you haven’t experienced it yet – this will be just one of the learnings you will take away.

And all that for a real attractive community price:

To make you even more happy we are very proud to announce two keynotes and some pre-selected sessions of drivers of the global agile scene:

  • Keynote “Shakeup and Speedup” by Jurgen Appelo (NL)
  • Keynote “Mob-Programming and Self-Organization” by Woody Zuill (USA)
  • Session “Self Care” by Per Beining (DK)
  • Session “Liberating Structures” by Anders Linse (SE)
  • Session “Open Participatory Organization” by Michael Göthe (SE)
  • Session “Why&Who over What&How” by Alexander Krause (DE)

I hope to see you in Växjö this October.

Register til end of September to get the early bird price: