Kategorie: Agile

Drei Tage voll spannender Gespräche und Begegnungen: Im März 2020 trafen sich ein paar Bekloppte in Karlsruhe, um gemeinsam und schon wieder dieser „Agilität” nachzuspüren. Viel besungen, unverstanden. Schwer greifbar. Selten so richtig, oft so schwierig. Und überhaupt, was ist denn – richtig ?
Das Ergebnis aus 3 Tagen Book-Sprint: 40 Seiten, viele Gedanken!
Das Buch als kostenfreies PDF gibts hier.
Und als Kindle Version für 99 Cent.
Flight Levels Coach 3/4

What a great group. We are becoming more and more professional in facilitating the design and operation of Flight Levels!

Same procedure as every year!
There is nothing better than starting the new year with the agile coach camp Norway!

:-) Xmas edition of the agile learning lab Berlin!

Week 50 of 2019 was the last week of travel and paid work for Alexander in 2019. An end of year retrospective in Leipzig and an agile overview in Kassel – thats all for now. See you again next year!

Executive Coach Training, Open Space & Open Space Agility… what a blast… super cool and experienced people came to Berlin and shared insights… thank you!

That was a blast: The first big agile community experience in Växjö!
Jurgen Appelo & Woody Zuill as keynote speakers!
OpenSpace with 29 participants from 16 companies and 5 nations!
Thank you for fulfilling my dream!
more Info: http://new-work-sweden.org

Das agile Barcamp Leipzig war wieder mal wunderbar!
Spass hatte Alex bei seiner Session „Sexy Ignoranz – Du kannst nur mit denen arbeiten, die wollen„. Eine Session über #InvitingLeaership!
Und das Beste: Dank Fish-Bowl-Format funktionierte die Diskussion auch ohne Alex super!

Alex started by providing a „conversation cafe on steroids“ for all participants. As an Open Space session he offered „Push or Pull your transformation?“ See the picture below to be inspired how to fuck up your agile transformation:

Hello agile friend,
I am proud to tell you about the upcoming event “New Work Sweden”!
We will have a two days Open Space on October 9th & 10th in Växjö this year. Our topic will be self-organization!
Open Space means that all participants bring their questions and impulses, everyone can propose sessions to fill the agenda in the morning. Then every participant trains self-organization by being part of the sessions he/she is most interested in.
If you haven’t experienced it yet – this will be just one of the learnings you will take away.
And all that for a real attractive community price:
To make you even more happy we are very proud to announce two keynotes and some pre-selected sessions of drivers of the global agile scene:
- Keynote “Shakeup and Speedup” by Jurgen Appelo (NL)
- Keynote “Mob-Programming and Self-Organization” by Woody Zuill (USA)
- Session “Self Care” by Per Beining (DK)
- Session “Liberating Structures” by Anders Linse (SE)
- Session “Open Participatory Organization” by Michael Göthe (SE)
- Session “Why&Who over What&How” by Alexander Krause (DE)
I hope to see you in Växjö this October.
Register til end of September to get the early bird price:

Its been a pleasure, Alex was invited to provide some entertaining and inspirational hours to ScrumMasters and middle management of fortnox in Växjö. Thanks for being so open about your pains and struggles… hope to meet you again.

Corporate Rebels is a group of young researchers visiting newworkish companies and then talking about their findings and insights. A really amazing group of participants gathered. Tons of knowledge and questions in one room :-)
#ALL #Berlin

The 4th edition of the agile learning lab Berlin. Its getting better and better with each iteration. In the first hour we have a warmup for the whole group and then spread out for an open space. We hand responsibilities over to the crowd, this time we had a wonderful woman spontaneously leading the group for the last 3 hours… helping us all and herself by practicing in this safe space!
This is magic!
Join the meetup group, its happening every 4 weeks:

Es war mir ein Fest… den Funken überspringen zu lassen! Ca. 20 TeilnehmerInnen haben die Gelegenheit genutzt zur diva-e Platforms GmbH zu kommen und mit mir einen String unter dem Motto „Nie wieder langweilige Meetings“ zu erleben.

Ein agiler Orientierungstag für einen Leipziger Kunden… tolle Gruppe, tolle Fragen, tolle Dynamik und toller Wille die Dinge in die Hand zu nehmen und anders zu erledigen als bisher… Danke!
Agiler Stammtisch Karlsruhe

Nach nur 5 Treffen bereits eine Institution! Der agile Stammtisch Karlsruhe ist besonders: Maximal 12 Personen in einem Restaurant, 2 Stunden Lean Coffee, jeden Monat ein mal!
Vielen Dank an Nick fürs Kümmern und Einladen!

The first physical gathering of a clients ScrumMasters from India, Turkey, Hungary and Germany. We met in Prague, so no one was the host and all were guests. With two agile coaches we led 20 ScrumMasters through 3 days of OpenSpace to create trust and commitment for the following weeks.

Ein informelles Netzwerk „Agile Coaches Berlin Connection“ trifft sich schon lange… agile Freunde… mit einer Vision: Make Berlin the Heart of Agile!
#ALL #Berlin

This was the second iteration of the AGILE LEARNING LAB BERLIN (fka Scrum Master Clinic Berlin) – a 4 hours block of collaboration and learning. I started this meetup with „Humans & Giraffes“ – an exercise I experienced just two days before at the Scrum User Group Karlsruhe.
WOW! This is what it is all about in this community: Sharing, experiencing, copying, practicing, growing! And it works! Thank you for helping me learn this.

Thank you for having me… a great stage at #DVAG in #FFM. And an interested and communicative audience. For all who asked: I used an iPad Pro with the pen and the app „GoodNotes“ to present.