Kategorie: Veranstaltung
Same procedure as every year!
There is nothing better than starting the new year with the agile coach camp Norway!
That was a blast: The first big agile community experience in Växjö!
Jurgen Appelo & Woody Zuill as keynote speakers!
OpenSpace with 29 participants from 16 companies and 5 nations!
Thank you for fulfilling my dream!
more Info: http://new-work-sweden.org
Das agile Barcamp Leipzig war wieder mal wunderbar!
Spass hatte Alex bei seiner Session „Sexy Ignoranz – Du kannst nur mit denen arbeiten, die wollen„. Eine Session über #InvitingLeaership!
Und das Beste: Dank Fish-Bowl-Format funktionierte die Diskussion auch ohne Alex super!
Alex started by providing a „conversation cafe on steroids“ for all participants. As an Open Space session he offered „Push or Pull your transformation?“ See the picture below to be inspired how to fuck up your agile transformation:
Walk & Talk im Zoo
Alexanders Zeit in Karlsruhe nähert sich dem Ende. Ein guter Grund, um es mit dem agilen Stammtisch Karlsruhe noch mal richtig krachen zu lassen. „Walk & Talk“ küsst „Open Space“ im Zoo war das Motto. Selbstorganisiert entstand die Agenda, Kleingruppen flanierten darauf hin zu unterschiedlichen Themen durch den Zoo… der harte Kern hats im Anschluss wieder mal bissl übertrieben ;-)
Alex hat sich einen Traum erfüllt: Ein Bällebad für Erwachsene! Darauf musste er lange warten, nun hat Location und Veranstaltung gepasst. BALLS OF BERLIN haben für ihn einen 3×3 Meter Pool mit 10.000 Bällen gebaut.
Dazu gabs von ihm den Kick Off Workshop zum PMcamp mit dem Titel “zu_trauen & zu_lassen”. Die Teilnehmer wurden durch 5 grundlegende Prinzipien agiler Arbeit geführt und erlebten eine neue Interaktion mit kleinen Spielen und #LiberatingStructures.
Hello agile friend,
I am proud to tell you about the upcoming event “New Work Sweden”!
We will have a two days Open Space on October 9th & 10th in Växjö this year. Our topic will be self-organization!
Open Space means that all participants bring their questions and impulses, everyone can propose sessions to fill the agenda in the morning. Then every participant trains self-organization by being part of the sessions he/she is most interested in.
If you haven’t experienced it yet – this will be just one of the learnings you will take away.
And all that for a real attractive community price:
To make you even more happy we are very proud to announce two keynotes and some pre-selected sessions of drivers of the global agile scene:
- Keynote “Shakeup and Speedup” by Jurgen Appelo (NL)
- Keynote “Mob-Programming and Self-Organization” by Woody Zuill (USA)
- Session “Self Care” by Per Beining (DK)
- Session “Liberating Structures” by Anders Linse (SE)
- Session “Open Participatory Organization” by Michael Göthe (SE)
- Session “Why&Who over What&How” by Alexander Krause (DE)
I hope to see you in Växjö this October.
Register til end of September to get the early bird price:
agile VXO… preparation
Goin around in Växjö (Sweden) – here we will have the first 2 days Open Space Event for the agile community in Småland! Wohooo… it will happen on October 9th & 10th… and guess what, we will have Jurgen Appelo for the opening keynote.
Tickets will hopefully be available from mid August!
more with LeSS
3 days of cause loop diagrams ;-)
Digging deeper into my favourite scrum scaling model… LeSS is Scrum!
Agile Sommerfrische Karlsruhe
Tolle Menschen folgten dem Ruf nach einem Sommerspezial des agilen Stammtischs Karlsruhe… bei Karlkutta im Karlsruher Zoo.
Kanban Leadership Retreat
Wow… cool conference concept:
Sessions from 9 to 12h… then the very open Open Space… do what you like with whom you want (eg walk in the mountains)… and then sessions from 18 to 22h… followed by open drinking.
Got to know the worldwide community around (lean) kanban university.
Inviting Leadership Masterclass
Great learnings and massive impulses by Daniel Mezick… thank you for challenging my view on value creation!
Improve Kanban
2 days with Klaus Leopold to reach the next level of Kanban… Thank you to all participants and to Sipgate!
Copenhagen Beer Festival
Beer enthusiasts of #accdk did not stop … the Open Space continued at the Copenhagen beer festival!
Agile Coach Camp Denmark
Same procedure as every year… ❤️
This was a great night at Visma. We started with 4 impulse talks and distilled some sessions for the following Open Space from it. Thank you to Linda & Henric for organising … hell yea… we did that and we will do more of it:
The plan is to have a 2 days Open Space in Växjö on October 9. & 10. 2019… (and we will have Jurgen Appelo for an opening keynote wohoo…!)
Its been a pleasure, Alex was invited to provide some entertaining and inspirational hours to ScrumMasters and middle management of fortnox in Växjö. Thanks for being so open about your pains and struggles… hope to meet you again.
ALL Berlin
Every 4 weeks we generate this opportunity to learn and grow! Its
fantastic, about 60 agilistas showed up at the agile learning lab in
If you are interested: join the group on meetup.com
Next ALL Berlin meetup on June 7th at 15h!
preparing agile VXO
We will create a strong agile community in Växjö (Sweden). It starts on May 22nd with a meetup at Visma. Thank you also to Softhouse for helping organize.
ALL Berlin
Every 4 weeks Alex supports the agile learning lab Berlin, a community open space for all interested agilistas in town.
Agile Ruhr Barcamp
Eine tolle Community, die sich da ein mal im Jahr trifft. Ein sicherer Container, im dem auch so spannende Dinge wie Ängste und Verantwortung agiler Coaches angesprochen werden können.
Corporate Culture Camp
Neue Arbeit, neue Interaktion, neue Kultur – tolle Frage, tolle Antworten – auf dem Corporate Culture Camp in Hamburg.
a job in Berlin
Again Alexander delivered a highly individual training… agile orientation with input, discussions and simulations made these two days a lasting experience.
Annonymer Agiloliker
Agiler Stammtisch Karlsruhe – eine der schönsten Veranstaltungen der agilen Community in Baden-Württemberg.
Corporate Rebels is a group of young researchers visiting newworkish companies and then talking about their findings and insights. A really amazing group of participants gathered. Tons of knowledge and questions in one room :-)
#ALL #Berlin
The 4th edition of the agile learning lab Berlin. Its getting better and better with each iteration. In the first hour we have a warmup for the whole group and then spread out for an open space. We hand responsibilities over to the crowd, this time we had a wonderful woman spontaneously leading the group for the last 3 hours… helping us all and herself by practicing in this safe space!
This is magic!
Join the meetup group, its happening every 4 weeks:
Es war mir ein Fest… den Funken überspringen zu lassen! Ca. 20 TeilnehmerInnen haben die Gelegenheit genutzt zur diva-e Platforms GmbH zu kommen und mit mir einen String unter dem Motto „Nie wieder langweilige Meetings“ zu erleben.
Leanovate Berlin had the location, Jurgen Appelo was bringing the content of his new workshop called shiftup. It combines Design-Thinking and lean startup in a playful way.
Ein agiler Orientierungstag für einen Leipziger Kunden… tolle Gruppe, tolle Fragen, tolle Dynamik und toller Wille die Dinge in die Hand zu nehmen und anders zu erledigen als bisher… Danke!